Worms continue to present major production issues for producers of farmed goats. Participate in this online survey and help direct possible future research in this area. […]
Supplementing goats through pasture improvement
Tropical and subtropical grasses make up the majority of pasture species in northern grazing areas with subtropical species increasingly being introduced to southern grazing systems due to their high productive potential. While such grasses grow rapidly in the right environment and can supply a vast amount of dry matter, goat producers need to be careful […]
Making goats healthy and happy
Considerable production losses may occur when rangeland goats, which are largely undomesticated, are brought in to intensive environments such as depots and feedlots. The sudden introduction to these environments can be stressful for rangeland goats, impacting their health and behaviour. In a project funded by MLA, researchers from Murdoch University in Western Australia are looking […]
Are you eligible to claim back stamp duty for goats sold in Victoria?
If you sell goats from interstate into Victoria, you may be able to claim back the stamp duty paid during the transaction. Stamp duty is applied at the time of the sale at a rate of 12¢/head and applies to sales of sheep and goats or carcases of sheep and goats produced interstate and sold […]
Bucks on the line in first-of-its-kind trial
In what is considered to be a first for the Australian goatmeat industry, the progeny of nine Boer bucks, nominated by seedstock breeders from across Australia, will be compared for a range of commercially important traits in a trial being conducted near Cootamundra, NSW. Semen from the nine bucks has recently been artificially inseminated (AI) […]
Welfare Standards and Guidelines for the Land Transport of Livestock
Specific requirements for goats The Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for the Land Transport of Livestock have been endorsed by the Primary Industries Ministerial Committee for legislation. The new Standards and Guidelines are being regulating in law by State and Territory governments; in SA, TAS, NSW, VIC and QLD they are already in effect […]
GICA represents goat producers on two important industry issues
On behalf of Australian goat producers, GICA recently made submissions about two important industry issues – NLIS and the proposed amendments to legislation relating to agricultural and veterinary chemicals (AgVet chemicals). NLIS GICA provided feedback from producers to the Regulatory Impact Statement for NLIS for sheep and goats, explaining that GICA supports an NLIS that […]
Review and trial of alternative identification methods for the Dairy Goat Society of Australia
Why There has been a requirement to identify dairy goats as part of the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) for sheep and goats for a number of years. However, due to a higher than normal incidence of infection rates most states have maintained exemptions on welfare grounds in dairy goats. The project This project aims […]
Preparing goats for sale
There have traditionally been very few opportunities for goats to be traded through saleyards with most goats sold direct; however, this is gradually changing. Dubbo in Central West New South Wales plays host to one of the largest saleyard goat sales in the country. Held quarterly, the sale provides an opportunity for live marketing of […]
MDC takes fight up to Barber’s Pole Worm
Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) and the Goat Industry Council of Australia (GICA) have joined forces with Moredun Research Institute (MRI) through the MLA Donor Company program to develop a claim for the use of BarberVax in goats. BarberVax is a vaccine which aids the control of Barber’s Pole Worm in lambs. If successful, this […]