Livestock Exports
Australia is recognised globally for its capacity as a supplier of quality live goats. All goats are exported from Australia according to world’s best practice.
In 2011 the Australian Bureau of Statistics, (ABS) reported that 71,895 goats were exported, with the vast majority air freighted to Malaysia.
Traditionally there has been strong demand for goats for breeding purposes, however this has recently declined with demand now largely confined to slaughter animals.

Animal care and management
The livestock export industry aims for continuous improvement to livestock management, health and welfare throughout the entire supply chain from on-farm through to post-arrival at the destination.
To help achieve these aims Australia’s livestock industries invest heavily in research and development programs and initiatives to improve the animal welfare outcomes throughout the entire supply chain.
Australia’s ongoing involvement in the trade is positively influencing animal care and welfare outcomes globally.
For example Australia, unlike any other country, has animal welfare experts based in importing countries to provide practical training to stockmen and veterinarians on how to work with, handle and transport Australian animals and to assist in upgrading infrastructure such as abattoirs, ports and feedlots.
Australia is regarded as the world leader in the regulation and management of the export of livestock, regulated by the Australian Standards for the Export of Livestock (ASEL). The ASEL covers all aspects of preparation of livestock for the voyage, from farm through to onboard management.
Australia’s commitment to the health and welfare of animals exported live is further strengthened by ESCAS, or the Exporter Supply Chain Assurance System. ESCAS requires that Australian animals can only be sent into approved supply chains overseas, designed to ensure the welfare of the animal from delivery in a foreign port to slaughter in an approved abattoir.